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The FL series provides...

updates on diagnosis, management, and treatment options for the FL community. This companion site incorporates content from live meetings and is a resource for web links, CME activities, reference literature, and resources for both patients and providers. At Med Learning Group, we hope that this educational series will offer timely and practical management and treatment information to both inform clinicians and help improve patient care and quality of life for those people living with FL.

About Healthy Days

The Healthy Days website provides an overview of evidence-based approaches to managing FL through personalized medicine. By reviewing the most recent clinical trial data for existing and investigational therapies for FL, we hope to improve patient care and communication among patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers.

The Provider Toolkit

The information in this “Provider Toolkit” is designed to supplement your current knowledge on FL, and includes several resources such as additional reading, challenges and epidemiology associated with FL, and basic information on symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

The Patient Toolkit

Knowing as much as possible about the disease will help you and your care team make the best decisions for you, the patient. The information contained in this “Patient Toolkit” is designed to answer several of your questions and provide education on certain aspects of the disease.

Welcome to Healthy Days

Follicular lymphoma FL, a subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma NHL, is an asymptomatic, slow-growing B-cell tumor that can occur in lymph nodes or extranodal sites throughout the body. Because the disease can be undetected for years, two-thirds of patients are diagnosed with advanced-stage disease with multiple areas of involvement and extensive genetic variability. Fortunately, FL responds well to initial treatments, and the median survival is 8–10 years. There is no cure for advanced FL, however, and most patients experience recurrent relapses that require additional rounds of anticancer therapy. Additionally, approximately 45% of patients experience a disease transformation into an aggressive tumor that is refractory to treatment and is associated with shorter survival. Follicular lymphoma—heterogeneous in presentation, histology, genetics, and disease course—is best managed with individualized treatments and consistent monitoring for relapse.

The Healthy Days initiative provides updates on the management and treatment of FL for the NHL community. This companion site incorporates content from recent literature and is a resource for web links, CME activities, reference literature, and resources for both patients and providers. At Med Learning Group, we hope that this educational series will offer timely and practical management and treatment information to both inform clinicians as well as help improve patient care and quality of life for those living with FL.

Americans living with lymphoma today

Diagnosed cases per year


Survival rate for patients with FL


Proportion of FL patients developing an aggressive form of lymphoma

CME Activities

Provider Toolkit

Patient Toolkit